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Ideas for co-creating a beautiful and green new area for Trowbridge, providing a new secondary school and country park

Lightwood Strategic wish to work with local interest groups to co-create a beautiful place.  Our landowners have specifically instructed us to create a place for legacy; a place that we can be proud of and an environment that fosters a happy, healthy and sociable life within a green and walkable new neighbourhood. A place to be proud to live and learn.

Masterplanners, Create Streets, have been commissioned from the outset to ensure that the development vision evolves in the right way and to develop and present a comprehensive, co-ordinated masterplanning vision. This is only the start of this journey and is not a fixed plan; we are open to comment and discussion.

We want to deliver development that contributes to Wiltshire, Trowbridge, Hilperton and their environments. The proposed development concept has been named ‘Great Whaddon’.

The full vision document can be accessed below or from the downloads section. Other sections of this website expand on some of the key plans and messages.

Wiltshire Council’s Local Plan consultation is running until the 22nd of November 2023. This website may help to inform responses.

Great Whaddon Vision